With more scams circulating on the web and more sophisticated software to crack passwords, it’s never been more important than ever to increase your safety practices online. Discover some essential tips of cyber safety such as how to create and remember strong passwords and how to spot a phishing scam.
For more information visit: www.esafety.gov.au
Safe Passwords
When you sign in to anything online it’s important that you have a strong password. Passwords are like keys that you have to your house or your car, they are unique and custom to only fit your keyholes. Passwords need to be the same, just as unique, and not shared with anyone. If someone has your password, then they could get access to your online accounts or your emails. They could gain access to your online banking or social media accounts. Hackers may try to guess your password using common names or words, otherwise there are sophisticated software programs that can be used to crack your password. The simpler your password is, the easier it is to crack.
So, it’s best to choose a password that is complex but easy for you to remember. The first letters of a song lyric, a poem or a favourite phrase using numbers, letters and symbols substitutions is a strong solution.
Avoiding Scams & Tricks
Phishing scams can occur via email or text message. They are called phishing scams because they’re ‘fishing’ for information on you. Most scams start with an email or text that seems to be from a business you trust, such as a bank, government agency or your phone company.
They may ask for your personal information and threaten that something might happen to your finances or services if you don’t give your details. They seem legitimate, but they are fake.
Never click on a link in a phishing email. They are likely to take you to a fake website. Delete the email. Never provide your personal information or account details, either by email, text, or over the phone. If you’re unsure, contact the bank or business yourself (using your own contact information for them) to check if the message you received is genuine.
Your bank or government departments will never contact you by text, phone or email to ask you to confirm your account or log in details. If you are unsure, don’t click!
Visit www.scamwatch.gov.au for more information.
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